Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother and adult adoptee, Christine Wernquist, who shares their journey in this second installment of a three-part series. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this beautiful piece with you. This is the second blog post of a three-part series. My prayer […]

Part II: Building Bonds

adoptive family navigating expectations in adoption and creating a bond with the expectant mother
mother and son

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Cecily Conquest, who shares a vulnerable look into what they learned through their own experience pursuing adoption after infertility. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this truth-filled and encouraging piece with you. I will never forget the moment I heard […]

Even If He Does Not: Pursuing Adoption After Infertility

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by hopeful adoptive mother, Roxanne Rich, who shares an honest look into what they have learned and are still discovering during their adoption journey. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this raw and transparent piece with you. Let’s be honest. The road to […]

Beyond Adoption… Why Are You Here?

adoptive family

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Heather Kaltenbach, who shares what they learned during their adoption journey. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this beautiful and encouraging piece with you. Like you, I think we all went into adoption for the first time scared, uncertain, uncomfortable, […]

Walking Hand In Hand With Adoption

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother and adult adoptee, Christine Wernquist, who shares their journey in the first of a three-part series. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this beautiful piece with you. This is the first blog post of a three-part series. My prayer in […]

Part I: Beautifully Imperfect

adoptive family
adoptive family

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Amy Rowan, who shares what they learned during their adoption journey. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this insightful and transparent piece with you. Adoption is a complicated tapestry woven together with strands of joy, sorrow, love, fear, excitement, grief, […]

Trusting God With Our Waiting & Disruption

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive father, Joseph Tanner, who wrote it during their adoption journey for his blog, Consulting & Counseling. With his gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this honest, relatable piece on our own blog. We hope you find his words helpful and encouraging. Melicia and […]

A Different Kind of Waiting

walking path
mother & baby

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Tonya Taylor, who shares part of their adoption story. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this piece with you. When we first started our adoption journey, we just knew we were “prepared” for parenthood!! I had been a nanny for […]

Finding Our Rhythm

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Emily Monson, who shares what they learned during their adoption journey. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this helpful piece with you. We began our adoption journey a little more than six months ago, when our biological son Moses was […]

How Do I Explain Adoption to My Young Child?

family with dog

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post was submitted by adoptive mother, Amy Bagwell, who shares what they learned during their adoption journey. With her gracious permission, we have the privilege to feature this helpful piece with you. My husband, Charlie, and I are in the “waiting to be matched” phase of adoption after trying to […]

Preparing for Motherhood