For families interested in learning more about donating their frozen embryos


For families interested in learning more about adopting embryo(s)



Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

Did you know every year thousands of frozen embryos are destroyed?  

We believe embryo adoption will save thousands of lives! We are so thankful you found us! 

We have realized over the years that not everyone is called to adopt through our infant program. There are families who are called to foster, foster to adopt, and others toward international adoption. And then there are some families who feel led to adopt yet also have a desire to experience pregnancy and giving birth. Our embryo adoption program answers both that desire and calling. 


Donating your remaining embryos to Flourish Adoption Ministries allows you to choose the perfect family to adopt giving your embryos a chance at life with a family longing to grow.  

When families go through in vitro fertilization, they are sometimes left with multiple embryos at the end of their journey. what to do with those remaining embryos raises a question which leaves many facing an ethical dilemma—especially in the christian community. At Flourish Adoption Ministries, we want to provide families the opportunity to give their embryos a chance at life. Embryo donation through our organization will allow you the opportunity to choose the perfect family to adopt your remaining embryos. Donor families have a choice to build a lifelong relationship with the adoptive family through an open embryo adoption. or, for those who prefer a more private route, we also support families with closed embryo donation. 




Why should we adopt through Flourish  instead of our fertility clinic?

At Flourish Adoption Ministries, Inc., we encourage open adoption whereas most fertility clinics require anonymous donations and adoptions. We want your child to be able to know their heritage and where they came from. Ultimately we are driven by our calling to provide quality adoption services and believe the relationships formed and quality of service received is what sets our brand and agency apart.

Do we choose the fertility clinic?

We allow our adoptive families to choose the Fertility Clinic they are most comfortable with for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedure. We arrange the shipping and prepare your clinic for the arrival of the embryos. You may also choose to travel to the fertility clinic where your embryos were originally created and stored. We will work with you to create a seamless adoption journey based upon your preferences.

How does the legal process work?

Adoption Agreement & Relinquishment Forms are legal contracts drawn between the donating family and adopting family. While there is currently no legislation regulating Embryo Adoption, we work with experienced attorneys every step of the way. The contract covers the transfer of property and also includes some additional adoption language to ensure all bases are covered legally. The contract is signed and executed prior to the embryos being shipped to the adoptive parent's fertility clinic of choice, and before the embryos are implanted through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

What is the average cost of embryo adoption?

The average cost of embryo adoption is $15,000. Our agency’s average embryo adoption has been right around $12,000. Our agency fee is $5,500. The legal fees are typically $2000 - $3000 to draft the contract and then $1000 - $2000 for another attorney to review the contract. The fee to transport the embryos from one clinic to another clinic is typically around $500 - $1000. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is typically around $4,000-$6,000. The adoptive family is responsible for all of these fees. Your insurance may cover some of the fees.

**There is no cost to donate embryos.

Does Flourish offer open or closed adoptions?

Most families desire a closed or semi-open adoption with embryo adoption (where they just receive photos). We encourage families to have at least somewhat of an open line of communication. While open adoption is encouraged, we will respect your choice of an open or closed adoption, and match you with recipients who agree to whatever level of openness you desire.

What does the program include?

1. Obtaining and preparing placing families,

2. Matching donors and adopters with similar desires,

3. Coordination of clinic communications and shipping,

4. Coordination with attorneys who will provide proven and secure legal documentation.

How does the matching process work?

An adoptive family is sent medical and social background information of a couple looking to place their embryos for adoption. The agency would also request the medical records of the embryos themselves so that you know the grade and quality of the embryo before proceeding forward. Then if the adoptive family feels it’s a good fit the agency will present the adoptive family’s profile to the donor family to complete the match.

What does the timeframe look like for embryo adopton?

It depends on how many donors we have at any given time, as well as your preferences, and then whether or not the available donor's feel your family is a good match. For example: If we currently had three donors and you say no to all of them. It could take a lot longer since you would have to wait for us to have more donor profiles ready to present, and then even after you accept a profile the donor family would then still need to accept your family to adopt the embryos. But if you were to wish to move forward with one of our current profiles, then the timeline could go faster. If you were to agree to one of our current donors, the timeline would be at the earliest 6-8 months. (4-5 months to match, 6-8 weeks for attorney/legal paperwork, 3-4 weeks for shipment).



Why should we donate through Flourish  instead of our fertility clinic?

At Flourish Adoption Ministries, Inc., we provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that the family you choose to adopt your embryos are screened for criminal history and child abuse, issued an approved home study and financial audit, in addition to receiving education hours pertaining to how to parent an adoptee. By using our agency, you also have the opportunity to have contact with your adopting family to whatever extent you both are comfortable. Ultimately we are driven by our calling to provide quality adoption services and believe the relationships formed and quality of service received is what sets our brand and agency apart.

How does the legal process work?

Adoption Agreement & Relinquishment Forms are legal contracts drawn between the donating family and adopting family. While there is currently no legislation regulating Embryo Adoption, we work with experienced attorneys every step of the way. The contract covers the transfer of property and also includes some additional adoption language to ensure all bases are covered legally. The contract is signed and executed prior to the embryos being shipped to the adoptive parent's fertility clinic of choice, and before the embryos are implanted through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

How much does it cost for us to donate embryos?

There is no cost for genetic parents to donate embryos. All fees are incurred by the adopting family. By law, we cannot reimburse the donor family for any fees incurred in the retrieval process, IVF, or storage of your embryos.

Does Flourish offer open or closed adoptions through the embryo program?

Open adoption is encouraged; however, we will respect your choice of an open or closed adoption, and match you with recipients who agree to whatever level of openness you desire.

What does the embryo program included?

1. Obtaining and preparing placing families,

2. Matching donors and adopters with similar desires,

3. Ensuring FDA compliance,

4. Coordination of clinic communications and shipping,

5. Coordination with attorneys who will provide proven and secure legal documentation.

"We are so grateful for Flourish Adoptions. The entire staff made the process so easy and Anna held our hands through every step of the way. We are just a few weeks away from delivering our twin baby girls, and are so happy that we decided to pursue embryo adoption to complete our family."

Meet Anna, our Embryo Program Coordinator.
She will work with you throughout your embryo adoption journey to be sure all of your questions are answered and everything is seamless from start to finish.

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